presenter standing at podium in front of audience
Public Announcement banner
presenter standing at podium in front of audience
presenter standing at a podium in front our audience
Public Announcement banner
presenter standing at a podium in front our audience
Public Announcement banner
presenter standing at podium in front of audience
calendar adoption banner
presenter standing at podium in front of audience
Students recognized for having an "I Can Do It"  attitude
presenter stands in front of audience - notice of LHUSD public meeting
Jodi Biasuicci receives Arizona Art Education Association award
Caylin Kendrick with Sept Student of the Month awarded by the AZ Dept of Education
presenter stands in front of audience - notice of LHUSD public meeting
decorative photo
clipart of speaker at podium in front of audience
speaker at podium in front of audience
Staff who have completed firt 3 years of teaching.
AASA and ACT / ACT Aspire